According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls are the leading cause of injury death for Americans 65 years and older. Each year, one in three adults 65 and older falls at least once. Approximately 30% of hospital patient falls result in physical injury, with 4% to 6% resulting in serious injury, with fractures the most common. As many as 20% of hip fracture patients die within one year of their injury. This is an alarming statistic. Up to 25% of adults who lived independently before their hip fracture have to stay in a nursing home for at least a year after their injury.
Patients who are identified as fall risks in Hospitals and Nursing Homes require even greater supervision. Often times these patients are not properly supervised by the Hospital or Nursing Home staff and the obvious result is that they fall and suffer devastating injuries. Our firm has represented numerous clients who have suffered life-long injuries as a result of falling while in the care of a Hospital or Nursing Home.
Please call our firm today at (480) 566-9445 or use the “Quick Contact” form to the right to set up a free consultation so an Attorney can discuss your rights with you. Our team is prepared to review your case and help you take the legal actions needed to hold the Hospital or other responsible parties accountable.
Federal Court | SEP 4, 2020
“We treat every case, no matter its complexity, exactly the same… as our most important case. After all, we may handle many cases, but this is our client’s only case. Knowing this, allows us to work the nights and weekends we do, because our client’s pain does not take time off.”